Ensuring Quality in a Changing Diagnostic Landscape
On June 2023 we (the UBC Program Office for Laboratory Quality Management or POLQM) hosted a conference on medical laboratory quality management.
In our first post-pandemic, hybrid -in person and online- conference, we focused on the “Changing Diagnostic Landscape” and how to meet and ensure Quality.
Some of the topics covered included
- The changing diagnostic landscape in Canada
- The WHO Model list of Essential Diagnostics
- Laboratory surveillance tools in public health to detect and respond to another pandemic
- Quality expectations for labs and now POCT testing sites
- Reaching the rural and underserved with higher quality, more accessible diagnostic testing
- The Diagnostic Network Optimization initiative
- Addressing the diagnostic testing workforce needs and looking beyond the lab to meet critical workforce shortages
We would like to thank all our participants, speakers, and contributors for making this event a success.
Please check the presentations available.